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Scientific results of the Institute for Soil Sciences support the work of the Ministry of Agriculture

On April 29, 2024, a scientific presentation was held by the researchers of HUN-REN ATK Institute for Soil Sciences at the Hall of the Ministry of Agriculture. During the presentations, the research results were presented, which can help the policy makers to modify the maximum N application rates for nitrate sensitive areas in Annex 3 of the Nitrate Regulation (59/2008 (IV. 29.) FVM). The timeliness of the amendment is due to the fact that the current legislation is 16 years old to the day, during which time there have been significant changes in almost all the factors determining nutrient uptake (crop genetics, nutrient uptake, fertiliser use).

In this context, the Ministry of Agriculture has launched a 6-year research programme in collaboration with the HUN-REN ATK Institute for Soil Sciences, in which small plot and farm experiments were set up to study the use of N active substances at levels exceeding the maximum N application rates (Nmax) currently in force and their agronomic, efficiency and environmental impact.

Sándor Koós started the lecture series with a retrospective presentation of all the projects (carried out between 2015 and 2024) launched jointly by the Ministry of Agriculture and the Institute for Soil Sciences on the different elements of the N and C cycles.

Following, Sándor Koós presented the main objectives of the small plot Nmax experiment series, the experiment locations, parameters and the results in 2023.

Anita Szabó presented the Nmax experiment series at the farm level, presenting the basic concept of the experiment, the locations, the farmers involved, the parameters of the experiment setup and the 2023 results.

Afterwards, Béla Pirkó presented the results of the two Nmax experiments based on a 6-year data series, summarizing that the experiments demonstrated no increase in environmental risk with higher Nmax doses, indicating that the plants can effectively utilize the increased N active ingredient applied. The experiments confirmed that N balances are strongly negative under domestic agricultural practices, which is also reflected in Nitrogen Use Efficiency (NUE) values. At the very end of his speech he presented the new Nmax values proposed by Institute for Soil Sciences for 9 different cultivated crops.

Last but not least, Márk Rékási presented the results of the ongoing research on organic fertilizers and organic wastes, including biogas residues. At the end of his presentation, he outlined the research projects planned for 2024, the tasks undertaken in relation to the delineation of the agricultural carbon footprint and the delimitation of soil health zones in Hungary, and the continuation of research on organic fertilisers focusing on digestates.

Following the presentations, questions and comments were invited. It is worth mentioning that the farmers present confirmed the results of the research, its importance and timeliness, and unanimously called for the introduction of new Nmax values.

The representatives of the Ministry of Agriculture present indicated that they continue to rely heavily on targeted research to underpin their policies, in which they continue to give our Institute a prominent role.

The presentations (PDF, in Hungarian) can be downloaded from the following links:

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