The scientific research task of the department is studying soil physical, chemical and structural aspects of soil water management, the carbon and mineral element cycles and their changes due to environmental stresses. As one of the main soil physical factors influencing soil water management is the hydraulic conductivity of soils, a well-defined measuring method was worked out and its practical applicability and representativity has been demonstrated. An electrical bioindication measuring method was applied for detecting the environmental stresses (e.g. pesticide or drought) on plants in the soil.
Studies were launched on the salt accumulation and ground water flow in soils in areas with salt-affected groundwaters due to forestation. A modeling tool – based on the available soil database – is under development for the risk estimation of land use and forestation. Models are also under construction for mathematically formalizing the effects of climate change on the water and carbon flow processes of soils in different soil cultivation and land use types, and in different extreme hydrological situations for predicting the rational defensive alternatives. The role of soil in different meteorological situations is studied in weather forecast models. The modelled soil moisture content, convective precipitation, and planetary boundary layer height data are to be compared with measured precipitation, wind profile and soil moisture data as the next designed step.