With no international researches aiming it, we need to gain more information about the relevance of fallow treatments in the special, water limited circumstances of the Carpathian Basin. A new field trial was established under ploughing and minimal tillage managements combined with 4 different types of fallow treatments: unsown fallow, phacelia, canola and winter mix to answer the role of sown fallow in our agro-ecosystem. These results would be also used for model development. The outcome of the project would contribute to develop climate change adaptation strategies for a sustainable and climate smart agriculture in Hungary. These solutions would help to find win-win strategies of climate change mitigation, production and agro-ecosystem services.
Complex investigation of sown and unsown fallow systems for climate and model adaptation
- Azonosító: FK131813
- Projektvezető: Sándor Renáta
- Osztály: Növénytermesztési Osztály
- Kutatás éve: 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023
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