Csongor Gedeon has won Fulbrihgt Scholar in Residence Scholarship

Hungary joined the Fulbright programme in 1978, and the Hungarian Fulbright Commission was established in 1992. The programme promotes scientific and educational cooperation and excellence in both student and researcher/teacher categories. The United States is the main supporter (50%) of the program. Additional fund comes from the Hungarian government (40%) and various private companies (10%).
The selection process was preceded by a series of interviews, both in-country, in contact, and remotely, online forms. Following the individual nomination from Hungary, the final decision was made by a 5-member committee of the host institution (University of Dubuque, Iowa) following the interview process.
Csongor Gedeon will spend one academic year at the University of Dubuque in Dubuque, Iowa. During the two semesters, he will be involved in teaching, research, and outreach and networking activities within the university’s environmental science program.

Gábor Szatmári is the Hungarian winner of the Frontiers Planet Prize

The Hungarian winner was selected by the international jury based on the recommendations of the Presidential Committee for Sustainable Development of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.
Participants had to submit a peer-reviewed article in a scientific journal published no more than two years ago. In the award-winning paper, published in the journal Geoderma in 2021, changes in organic carbon stock stored in domestic soils at different scales were investigated, using modern statistical approaches.

More information on the website of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences

Frontiers Planet Prize website

Countrywide mapping and assessment of organic carbon saturation in the topsoil using machine learning-based pedotransfer function with uncertainty propagationsggf

Stakeholders and policymakers have been becoming more and more interested not just in the potential organic carbon (SOC) saturation level of soils but also in spatially explicit information on the degree of SOC deficit, which can support future policy and sustainable management strategies, and carbon sequestration-associated spatial planning. Thus the objective of our study was to develop a cubist-based pedotransfer function (PTF) for predicting and mapping the saturated SOC content of the topsoils (0–30 cm) in Hungary and then compare the resulting map with the actual SOC map to determine and assess the degree of SOC deficit. It was assumed that topsoils covered by permanent forests can be practically considered as saturated in SOC. Using the monitoring points of the Hungarian Soil Information and Monitoring System located in forests as reference soil profiles, we developed a cubist-based PTF. The transparent model structure provided by cubist allowed to show that not just the physicochemical properties of soils (e.g., texture, and pH) but also environmental conditions, such as topography (e.g., slope, altitude, and topographical position) and climate (e.g., long-term mean annual temperature, and evaporation), characterizing landscape are important factors in predicting the level of SOC saturation. Our results also pointed out that there is SOC deficit on large part of the country (∼80%) showing high spatial variability. It was also revealed that the most considerable potential for additional SOC sequestration can be found related to soils with medium to high actual SOC content.

The research has been published with open access in CATENA (D1, IF: 6.367):

Szatmári, G.; Pásztor, L.; Laborczi, A.; Illés, G.; Bakacsi, Zs.; Zacháry, D.; Filep, T.; Szalai, Z.; Jakab, G. Countrywide mapping and assessment of organic carbon saturation in the topsoil using machine learning-based pedotransfer function with uncertainty propagation. CATENA 2023, 227, 107086.

National cropland evaluation: based on remote sensing data and field measurements

The importance of variables such as different soil parameters (soil type, pH, texture, organic matter, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium content), average monthly precipitation, average monthly temperature and geographical coordinates were also considered in the model. The models were calculated for the three most important crops (wheat, maize, sunflower). In a final step, the resulting values were weighted by topography. The resulting maps contain values between 0 and 100 with a resolution of 100 metres. The proposed methodology can be used for integrated monitoring of biomass productivity in cadastral systems, land use planning and agricultural development programmes, among other possible applications. The research has been published in the open access journal Remote Sensing (Q1, IF: 5.349):

Csikós, N.; Szabó, B.; Hermann, T.; Laborczi, A.; Matus, J.; Pásztor, L.; Szatmári, G.; Takács, K.; Tóth, G. Cropland Productivity Evaluation: A 100 m Resolution Country Assessment Combining Earth Observation and Direct Measurements. Remote Sens. 2023, 15, 1236.

Results of “National Ecosystem Services Mapping and Assessment” in publications co-authored by resarchers of TAKI

The results of the project are gradually being published in various international journals.

Basic concept of ecosystem assessment:
Vári Á, Tanács E, Tormáné Kovács E, Kalóczkai Á, Arany I, Czúcz B, Bereczki K, Belényesi M, Csákvári E, Kiss M, Fabók V, Fodor LK, Koncz P, Lehoczki R, Pásztor L, Pataki R, Rezneki R, Szerényi Z, Török K, Zölei A, Zsembery Z, Kovács-Hostyánszki A. 2022.
National Ecosystem Services Assessment in Hungary: Framework, Process and Conceptual Questions. Sustainability 14(19):12847, DOI: 10.3390/su141912847

Compilation of the new Ecosystem Map of Hungary:
Tanács E, Belényesi M, Lehoczki R, Pataki R, Petrik O, Standovár T, Pásztor L, Laborczi A, Szatmári G, Molnár Zs, Bede-Fazekas Á, Somodi I, Kristóf D, Kovács-Hostyánszki A, Török K, Kisné Fodor L, Zsembery Z, Friedl Z, Maucha G. 2021.
Compiling a high-resolution country-level ecosystem map to support environmental policy: methodological challenges and solutions from Hungary. Geocarto International, DOI: 10.1080/10106049.2021.2005158

Flood regulation:
Vári Á, Kozma Zs, Pataki B, Jolánkai Zs, Kardos M, Decsi B, Pinke Zs, Jolánkai G, Pásztor L, Condé S, Sonderegger G, Czúcz B.
Disentangling the ecosystem service ‘flood regulation’: Mechanisms and relevant ecosystem condition characteristics. Ambio, DOI: 10.1007/s13280-022-01708-0

Assessment of ecosystems condition in Hungary:
Tanács E, Bede-Fazekas Á, Csecserits A, Kisné Fodor L, Pásztor L, Somodi I, Standovár T, Zlinszky A, Zsembery Z, Vári Á. 2022.
Assessing ecosystem condition at the national level in Hungary – indicators, approaches, challenges. One Ecosystem 7: e81543, DOI: 10.3897/oneeco.7.e81543