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Results of “National Ecosystem Services Mapping and Assessment” in publications co-authored by resarchers of TAKI

The Institute for Soil Sciences participated as a consortium partner in the recently absolved National Ecosystem Services Mapping and Assessment in the framework of the Strategic Assessments supporting the long term conservation of natural values of community interest as well as the national implementation of the EU Biodiversity Strategy to 2020 (KEHOP-4.3.0-VEKOP-15-2016-00001) project.

The results of the project are gradually being published in various international journals.

Basic concept of ecosystem assessment:
Vári Á, Tanács E, Tormáné Kovács E, Kalóczkai Á, Arany I, Czúcz B, Bereczki K, Belényesi M, Csákvári E, Kiss M, Fabók V, Fodor LK, Koncz P, Lehoczki R, Pásztor L, Pataki R, Rezneki R, Szerényi Z, Török K, Zölei A, Zsembery Z, Kovács-Hostyánszki A. 2022.
National Ecosystem Services Assessment in Hungary: Framework, Process and Conceptual Questions. Sustainability 14(19):12847, DOI: 10.3390/su141912847

Compilation of the new Ecosystem Map of Hungary:
Tanács E, Belényesi M, Lehoczki R, Pataki R, Petrik O, Standovár T, Pásztor L, Laborczi A, Szatmári G, Molnár Zs, Bede-Fazekas Á, Somodi I, Kristóf D, Kovács-Hostyánszki A, Török K, Kisné Fodor L, Zsembery Z, Friedl Z, Maucha G. 2021.
Compiling a high-resolution country-level ecosystem map to support environmental policy: methodological challenges and solutions from Hungary. Geocarto International, DOI: 10.1080/10106049.2021.2005158

Flood regulation:
Vári Á, Kozma Zs, Pataki B, Jolánkai Zs, Kardos M, Decsi B, Pinke Zs, Jolánkai G, Pásztor L, Condé S, Sonderegger G, Czúcz B.
Disentangling the ecosystem service ‘flood regulation’: Mechanisms and relevant ecosystem condition characteristics. Ambio, DOI: 10.1007/s13280-022-01708-0

Assessment of ecosystems condition in Hungary:
Tanács E, Bede-Fazekas Á, Csecserits A, Kisné Fodor L, Pásztor L, Somodi I, Standovár T, Zlinszky A, Zsembery Z, Vári Á. 2022.
Assessing ecosystem condition at the national level in Hungary – indicators, approaches, challenges. One Ecosystem 7: e81543, DOI: 10.3897/oneeco.7.e81543

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