Conference on Alternatives to Reduce Soil Degradation was held at the Institute for Soil Sciences

The conference "Alternatives to Reduce Soil Degradation - ARSD2024" was held on 7 May 2024 at the Institute for Soil Sciences, HUN-REN Agricultural Research Centre. The hybrid event, held at the building of the Institute for Soil Sciences in Herman Ottó út, Budapest, was attended approximately 85 participants from 12 countries, either in person or online. Presentations were provided on early detection of soil degradation, soil conditioning practices, the role of artificial intelligence and proximal and remote sensing in maintaining soil and plant health. The conference was accompanied by an event of the "TUDI H2020" project, whose main objective is to transform unsustainable farming practices.

The conference provided an opportunity for researchers and students from different fields of soil sciences to present their latest research results in the form of oral presentations or posters. During the lunch break the organisers prepared a surprise programme, the 75th birthday of the Institute for Soil Sciences was celebrated by a cake.

Download the ARSD2024 Book of abstracts (PDF)


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