ARSD2024 Conference and Workshop – SCHEDULE

The schedule of the International Conference and Workshop on “Alternatives to Reduce Soil Degradation (ARSD2024)” is now available in PDF. The event is conducted by the HUN-REN Centre for Agricultural Research, Institute for Soil Sciences on May 7, 2024, in Budapest, Hungary.

The purpose of the conference is to be the venue for meetings of scientists from various countries and disciplines of soil sciences to present their research results, to share their achievements and ideas, and to discuss and offer solutions for maintaining soil ecosystems and functions. The conference will provide a chance for networking and an opportunity to dispute current issues facing soil health and soil conservation.

The conference includes a joint TUDI project workshop on the theme of transforming unsustainable farming practices, closely linked to the fight against soil degradation.

Special conference theme: The main focus of the conference will be on soil conditioning and how to improve soil quality in practice.
Key topics:
• Application of effective measures to mitigate the negative impacts of soil degradation processes.
• Soil amendments and soil conditioner (incl. fertilization and inhibitor treatment): their potential benefits to meet the demands of improving yields without compromising the environment.
• Soil and plant health monitoring for more sustainable agriculture practices.
• Proximal and remote sensing as complementary tools for studying changes in soil processes.

ARSD2024 Book of abstracts

Registration (until May 3, 2024)

Information on how to reach the conference venue

We look forward to seeing you at our event!
Organizing Committee of ARSD2024

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