The scientific results of the Agricultural Institute of ATK are realized in the economic and commercial organizations owned by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, as well as the Institute. Establishing these organizations is due to the recognition of necessity that the management of the Institute, which belongs to the Hungarian State Treasury, is not able to carry out entrepreneurial activities like business associations. At the same time, establishing commercial companies belonging to the institute, research results have the same chance of entering agriculture as any commercial product of different origin.
Prebázis Ltd carries out the breeding process of institute-owned cereal varieties and the production of super-elite seeds.
In the sustenance of varieties, the selection of advanced phylum and varieties, the preservation of the agronomically valuable gene pool is carried out taking the system of criteria into consideration which was developed by the UPOV International Organization for the Protection of Varieties.
The propagation and sale of the maize inbred lines, the control of the production of F1 hybrid seeds, and the marketing activities of maize hybrids in Martonvásár are carried out by Bázismag Ltd.
Elitmag Ltd plays a similar role in the sale and marketing of cereal varieties – especially in the sale and cultivation of seed of first class. Both organizations are also the commercial representatives of the institute, as they have exclusive rights to represent the breeding plants of Martonvásár they control the turnover of their seeds, and collect the license fee for the institute.