Bék Márk
Department of Cereal Breeding
agricultural technician
Berki László
Department of Crop Production
agricultural technician
Bognár Lászlóné
Department of Maize Breeding
agricultural technician
Bradák Regina
Department of Cereal Breeding
agricultural technician
Csapkovits Krisztina
Department of Maize Breeding
agricultural technician
Csizmarik Róbert
Department of Maize Breeding
agricultural technician
Drócsa Zoltánné
Department of Maize Breeding
agricultural technician
Eisenbacher Katalin
Department of Maize Breeding
agricultural technician
Horváth László
Department of Maize Breeding
agricultural technician
Horváthné Horváth Krisztina
Department of Maize Breeding
agricultural technician
Illés Klára
Department of Molecular Breeding
laboratory technician
Lak Györgyné
Department of Maize Breeding
agricultural technician
Martinek Anikó
Department of Maize Breeding
agricultural technician
Mihovics Márton
Department of Maize Breeding
agricultural technician
Oláh Tímea
Department of Plant Physiology and Metabolomics
laboratory technician
Pintye László
Department of Maize Breeding
agricultural technician
Schriffertné Denyicska Ildikó
Department of Plant Physiology and Metabolomics
laboratory technician
Szilasiné Sinkó Krisztina
Department of Cereal Breeding
agricultural technician
Takács János
Department of Maize Breeding
agricultural technician
Tóthné Gulyás Tímea
Department of Maize Breeding
agricultural technician
Vadas Sándorné
Department of Maize Breeding
agricultural technician
Zsákovics Dénes
Department of Crop Production
agricultural technician